previous year question paper 57
Lower Division Typist - Kerala Water Authority /Stenographer Gr II - KCMMF LTD Question Code:027/2019 Date Of Test:03/07/2019
1. give step by step movement to the carriage.
(A) Rocker
(B) Mainspring
(C) Platen
(D) Tabulator
2. Touch Method of typewriting was introduced by :
(A) Charles McGurrin
(B) Christopher Lanthem Shoels
(C) G. Ravissa
(D) Henry Mill
3. While cutting on stencils the bichrome switch is put on the ------ Position.
(A) Black
(C) White
4. The size of A4 paper is :
(A) 297 mm x 420 mm
(B) 148 mm x 210 mm
(C) 210 mm x 297 mm
(D) 105 mm x 148 mm
5. The first text book “Hand Book of instructions for the typewriter" was written by :
(A) Mrs. Longly
(B) Edward F Underhill
(C) John N Williams
(D) E.E. Horton
6. Which carriage is suitable for brief paper?
(A) 12” Carriage
(B) 22” Carriage
(C) 15” Carriage
(D) 26” Carriage
7. Which key is used to bring the blocked type bars back to their normal position?
(A) Back Space Key
(B) Key Release Key
(C) Shift Key
(D) Bichrome switch
8. The up and down movement of the ribbon at the printing point is :
(A) Ribbon economy
(B) Ribbon Vibrator
(C) Ribbon Throw
(D) Ribbon mechanism
9. Squeezing means :
(A) Type more letters in less space
(B) Type less letters in more space
(C) Type correct letters in correct space
(D) None of these
10. An average of ______strokes is taken for one standard word.
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 3
(D) 8
11. Right Division of a word is known as:
(A) Abbreviation
(B) Pagination
(C) Syllabification
(D) Representation
12. P.B.X stands for :
(A) Private Branch Exchange
(B) Private Bank Exchange
(C) Post Box Exchange
(D) Public Branch Exchange
13. The sign used to indicate a Foote Note is
(A) Hash (#)
(B) Dollar ($)
(C) Asterick (*)
(D) Underscore ( _)
14. When the papers and carbons are not easily inserted in the type machine, which folder is used?
(A) Plastic folder
(B) Cardboard folder
(C) Paper folder
(D) Carbonium folder
15. Which method of Keyboard operation involves typing by sense of location, memorizing of the
Keyboard and each finger operating on the keys allocated to it?
(A) E typewriting
(B) Touch Method of typewriting
(C) Sight Method of typewriting
(D) None of the above
16. In proof correction ‘NP stands for :
(A) Next Page
(B) Next Paragraph
(C) Next Print
(D) Number of Pages
17. For making 8 – 10 carbon copies at a time, which type of paper is used?
(A) Rice Paper
(B) Plastic coated paper
(C) Butter Paper
(D) Plain Paper
18. Which pen is used for signatures and drawings on Stencil paper?
(A) Ball Pen
(B) Stylus Pen
(C) Fountain Pen
(D) Marker Pen
19. _____ is used to type on ruled papers.
(A) Tabulator
(B) Paper Release Lever
(C) Paper Guide
(D) Variable Line spacer
20. Maximum use of type ribbon is known as :
(A) Typography
(B) Ribbon Economy
(C) Ribbon Manifolding
(D) Ribbon Throw
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